Food project
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
I am writing to let you know that class __ is planning to run
food activities to support learning in Design and Technology. We will be
designing, making and tasting different types of African cuisine. The school
will supply the range of food, all of which will be suitable for the class.
I would be most grateful if you could complete and return
the consent slip below by Date______.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at school if I can be
of further help or if you have a question.
Yours sincerely,
Class Teacher.
Pupil Name __________________________________________ Class:
I give / do not give my permission for my child to take part
in tasting and practical work with food at school.
My child has intolerance / is allergic to the following food
My child cannot eat the following foods due to our
religion/cultural belief
Signed: _____________________________________
What if …
What if
There were no rainforests,
Could we live without
What if
There were no rainforests,
Could we live without
Transpiration rainfall?
What if
There were no rainforests,
Could we still make
Wooden furniture?
What if
There were no rainforests,
Could we still find cure
For deadly diseases?
What if
There were no rainforests,
Could food chains in the
Web of live survive?
What if
There were no rainforests,
The earth’s vacuum,
Could anything survive?
There were no rainforests,
Could we still be alive?
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